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MediaCenter.FindService Method

Finds TV services by call sign or description. Searches can be made by providing the call sign, the description parameter, or both.

Note   This method has been deprecated.


  callsign, description



A String that specifies the initial characters in a search field. These characters are used to evaluate the service call sign.


A String that specifies the initial characters in a search field. These characters are used to evaluate the service description.

Return Value

An Array object that contains a list of matching service IDs.


For the callsign or description parameters, you must specify the initial letters in a field so that, for example, specifying "BC" will not return "ABC" and "NBC"; it will return only description fields that begin with the letters "BC". If you specify as search criteria both callsign and description, only services that match both will be returned. If no matches are found, an undefined value will be returned (you will not get an array object with a length of zero).

Returned matches are useful only in calling the MediaCenter.PlayMedia or MediaCenter.PlayMediaEx methods and passing a TV service that matches your search. The actual text of the matched service ID or description is inaccessible to HTML applications; you can tune to a matched station, but you cannot view the text of the search results.

The returned array elements are not accessed with standard JScript array syntax (rgServiceIDs[0]); to access the first element, use rgServiceIDs.items(0).


Platform: HTML application hosted within Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 through Windows Vista

See Also