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IMediaCenterInputKeyMap::get_UIModeCount Method

Gets the number of the UI modes that an IME module supports. The shell calls this method soon after creating an instance of the IME module.

Note   This method has been deprecated.


  HRESULT get_UIModeCount(
  INT*  pcModes



[out] Pointer to an integer that specifies the number of UI modes that the IME module supports.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.


After retrieving the number of supported UI modes, the shell retrieves the key map for each UI mode by calling the IME module's UIModeKeyMap method once for each mode.


Header: ehinputmodule.idl

Platform: Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 through Windows Vista

See Also