AddByAppServerToSGGpo method of the PS_DAAppServer class

This cmdlet performs the following operations:

  • Adds a new application server security group to the DA deployment.
  • Adds an application servers to an application server security group that is already part of the DA deployment.
  • Adds application server GPO in a domain.

This cmdlet is not applicable when DirectAccess is deployed only for the management of remote clients.


uint32 AddByAppServerToSGGpo(
  [in]  string      GpoName[],
  [in]  string      SecurityGroupName,
  [in]  string      Name[],
  [in]  string      ComputerName,
  [in]  boolean     PassThru,
  [out] DAAppServer cmdletOutput


GpoName [in]

This parameter represents the name to be used when creating the app server GPO in the specified domain or represents the domain in which an app server GPO with the default name should be created. GPO is specified in the format DOMAIN\GPO_NAME. Domain is specified in the format DOMAIN. If the parameter contains only the domain name then the following default GPO name is used: [domain] application server policy for [DA connection friendly name]. A list of GPOs can be specified

SecurityGroupName [in]

Name of a security group that is already part of the DA deployment to which the specified list of app servers should be added. Specified in DOMAIN\SG_NAME format

Name [in]

List of application servers that have to be added to the DA deployment. The servers are specified by their hostnames and are added to the Security Group specified by the SecurityGroupName parameter. The servers cannot be specified by their IPv4 or IPv6 addresses

ComputerName [in]

IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the machine on which the remote access server machine specific tasks should be executed

PassThru [in]

Returns the Application server policy object. By default this cmdlet does not generate any output

cmdletOutput [out]

The entire app server policy object is outputted. Consists of the following: a. List of app server SGs present in the DA deployment. b. List of all app server GPOs in the DA deployment. c. App server connection properties, viz. 1. Connectivity type. 2. IPsec traffic protection


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012

See also
