CancelClusterGroupOperation function (clusapi.h)

Enables a client to cancel a MoveClusterGroup or MoveClusterGroupEx operation that is pending for a group. The group is then returned to its persistent state.


DWORD CancelClusterGroupOperation(
  [in] HGROUP hGroup,
  [in] DWORD  dwCancelFlags_RESERVED


[in] hGroup

The handle to a cluster group.

[in] dwCancelFlags_RESERVED

This parameter is reserved for future use and must be set to zero.

Return value

CancelClusterGroupOperation returns ERROR_SUCCESS if the move operation on the group was successfully cancelled.

CancelClusterGroupOperation returns ERROR_IO_PENDING if the cancellation of the move operation is now in progress.

CancelClusterGroupOperation returns a different nonzero error code if there was a failure issuing the cancellation for the move group operation on the designated group.


CancelClusterGroupOperation attempts to cancel a pending move operation on a cluster group that was issued through a MoveClusterGroup or MoveClusterGroupEx call that returned ERROR_IO_PENDING and is still in progress. The call attempts to cancel the pending move operation and bring the group to its persistent state.


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ClusAPI.h>

#define DemoResDllTypeName L"dummy"
#define DemoGroupName L"DemoGroup"

int __cdecl main( void )
    HCLUSTER hCluster= NULL;
    HGROUP hGroup = NULL;
    DWORD error = 0;

    hCluster = OpenCluster( NULL );
    if ( hCluster == NULL )
        error = GetLastError();
        wprintf( L"Failed to open cluster: 0x%x\n", error );
        goto Cleanup;

    hGroup = OpenClusterGroup( hCluster, DemoGroupName );
    if ( hGroup == NULL )
        error = GetLastError();
        wprintf( L"Failed to open cluster group " DemoGroupName L": 0x%x\n", error );
        goto Cleanup;

    // Cancel Move Group example
    error = MoveClusterGroupEx( hGroup,

    if ( error == ERROR_IO_PENDING  )
        wprintf( L"Group move pending" DemoGroupName L": 0x%x\n", error );
        error = ERROR_SUCCESS;

        // Issuing cancel to the move operation
        error = CancelClusterGroupOperation(hGroup, 0);
        if ( error == ERROR_IO_PENDING  || error == ERROR_SUCCESS )
            // the cancel was registered successfully
            wprintf( L"Cancel issued for move operation for the group " DemoGroupName L"\n" );
            wprintf( L"Failed to Cancel move operation for the group " DemoGroupName L": 0x%x\n" );
    else if ( error != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        wprintf( L"Failed to move group" DemoGroupName L": 0x%x\n", error );
        wprintf( L"Group move completed" DemoGroupName L": 0x%x\n");


    if ( hGroup != NULL )
        CloseClusterGroup( hGroup );
        hGroup = NULL;
    if ( hCluster != NULL )
        CloseCluster( hCluster );
        hCluster = NULL;

    return (int)error;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Windows
Header clusapi.h
Library ClusAPI.lib
DLL ClusAPI.dll