ID3D11DeviceContext::DSGetSamplers method (d3d11.h)

Get an array of sampler state interfaces from the domain-shader stage.


void DSGetSamplers(
  [in]            UINT               StartSlot,
  [in]            UINT               NumSamplers,
  [out, optional] ID3D11SamplerState **ppSamplers


[in] StartSlot

Type: UINT

Index into a zero-based array to begin getting samplers from (ranges from 0 to D3D11_COMMONSHADER_SAMPLER_SLOT_COUNT - 1).

[in] NumSamplers

Type: UINT

Number of samplers to get from a device context. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to D3D11_COMMONSHADER_SAMPLER_SLOT_COUNT - StartSlot).

[out, optional] ppSamplers

Type: ID3D11SamplerState**

Pointer to an array of sampler-state interfaces (see ID3D11SamplerState).

Return value



Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d11.h
Library D3D11.lib

See also
