D1114: Non Optional Pointer NULL

The parameter [parameter] for interface::method is not optional. A NULL pointer was passed. This will cause Direct2D to crash.



The name of the parameter that contains the NULL pointer.


The name of the interface to which the method belongs.


The name of the method that received the invalid parameter.



The following example shows that the FillGeometry method receives a NULL pointer for the non-optional geometry parameter.

        m_pRenderTarget->FillGeometry(NULL, m_pYellowGreenBrush);

This example produces the following debug message:

D2D DEBUG ERROR - The parameter [geometry] for ID2D1RenderTarget::FillGeometry is not optional. 
A NULL pointer was passed. This will cause Direct2D to crash.

Possible Causes

A NULL pointer was passed for a non-optional parameter.


Ensure that a non-optional parameter does not have a NULL pointer.