Signing your application for production

This topic leads you through the process of signing your application for production mode.

Sign your rights-enabled application

These steps assume that you have already signed your application for a pre-production hierarchy. If you have not already done so, go through the process described in Testing your rights-enabled application.

Once you have received the production certificate from Microsoft, you have the following files with you:

  • YourPrivateKey.dat
  • YourPublicKey.dat
  • ProductionCertificate.xml

Place them in the same directory with GenManifest.exe and your application binary (.exe).

  • The process below takes you through creating a new MCF file with production certificate:

    • Create a new directory and place files in that new directory. Use Notepad.exe to create an MCF file for your application. The file should have the following contents.

      req     .\\<yourappname>.exe
      PUBLICKEY .\\YourPublicKey.dat
    • Run the following command to sign your application:

      genmanifest.exe -chain ProductionCertificate.xml YourAppName**.mcf** YourAppName****

      If Genmanifest was successful, you'll see only the following text:

      Genmanifest v2.5 Copyright 2002-2003 Microsoft Corporation.

      If Genmanifest failed, you'll see an error message.

    • Your should always be placed in the same directory as YourAppName.exe.

How-to use

Testing your rights-enabled application