WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE enumeration (wsdbase.h)

Specifies the kind of data stored in a WSD_CONFIG_PARAM structure.


typedef enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_wsdbase_0000_0000_0001 {


Value: 1
The pConfigData member is a pointer to a DWORD that specifies the maximum size, in octets, of an inbound message.

The dwConfigDataSize member is 4.
Value: 2
The pConfigData member is a pointer to a DWORD that specifies the maximum size, in octets, of an outbound message.

The dwConfigDataSize member is 4.
Value: 3
Used to pass in the client certificate that WSDAPI will use for client authentication in an SSL connection.

The pConfigData member is a pointer to a CERT_CONTEXT structure that represents the client certificate. The caller needs to have read access to the private key of the certificate.

The dwConfigDataSize member is the size of the CERT_CONTEXT structure.
Value: 4
Used to pass in the SSL server certificate validation information into WSDAPI. When establishing the SSL connection, WSDAPI will accept only a server certificate that matches the criteria specified by the WSD_SECURITY_CERT_VALIDATION structure.

The pConfigData member is a pointer to a WSD_SECURITY_CERT_VALIDATION structure.

The dwConfigDataSize member is the size of the WSD_SECURITY_CERT_VALIDATION structure.
Value: 5
Used to pass in the SSL client certificate validation information into WSDAPI. On incoming SSL connections, if a client certificate is available, WSDAPI will reject the connection if the client certificate doesn't match the validation criteria specified by the WSD_SECURITY_CERT_VALIDATION structure.

The pConfigData member is a pointer to a WSD_SECURITY_CERT_VALIDATION structure.

The dwConfigDataSize member is the size of the WSD_SECURITY_CERT_VALIDATION structure.
Value: 6
Specifies that on incoming SSL connections, WSDAPI will request a client certificate from the SSL client if one is not already made available by the client. If the remote entity cannot provide a client certificate, the connection will be rejected. Note that the SSL record that is created for that port must explicitly allow for client certificate negotiation.

The pConfigData member is NULL.

The dwConfigDataSize member is 0.
Value: 7
Used to specify which certificate is to be used by WSDAPI to sign outbound WS_Discovery UDP messages.

The pConfigData member is a pointer to a CERT_CONTEXT structure that represents the signing certificate. The caller needs to have read access to the certificate's private key..

The dwConfigDataSize member is the size of the CERT_CONTEXT structure.
Value: 8
This is used to specify the parameters used to verify inbound signed WS_Discovery UDP message.

The pConfigData member is a pointer to a WSD_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION structure.

The dwConfigDataSize member is the size of the WSD_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION structure.
Value: 9
This applies only to the WSDCreateDeviceHost2 function. It is used to specify an array of addresses on which the device host should be hosted on. The equivalent is functionality provided through the ppHostAddresses and dwHostAddressCount parameters of the WSDCreateDeviceHostAdvanced function.

The pConfigData member is a pointer to a WSD_CONFIG_ADDRESSES structure. The addresses member of this structure points to an array of IWSDAddress objects, each of which is an address on which the device host will listen on.

The dwConfigDataSize member is the size of the WSD_CONFIG_ADDRESSES structure.
Value: 10
This applies only to the WSDCreateDeviceProxy2 function. It is used to specify an address for the device for which the proxy is created. The equivalent is functionality provided through the deviceConfig parameter of the WSDCreateDeviceProxyAdvanced function.

The pConfigData member is a pointer to a WSD_CONFIG_ADDRESSES structure. The addresses member of this structure points to an array of IWSDAddress objects, each of which is an address of the device to which the proxy is created. Currently only one such address is allowed.

The dwConfigDataSize member is the size of the WSD_CONFIG_ADDRESSES structure.
Value: 11
Indicates a requirement for HTTP Authentication using one of the auth schemes specified through WSD_SECURITY_HTTP_AUTH_SCHEMES. Specific scenarios include:

  • When specified during a WSDCreateDeviceHost operation, DPWS clients will be required to authenticate messages sent to the Hosted Services of the WSDAPI device host using HTTP Authentication.

  • If this is value is expressed in conjunction with WSD_SECURITY_SSL_NEGOTIATE_CLIENT_CERT, then WSDAPI will require HTTP clients to send a client certificate and utilize HTTP authentication.

Value: 12
When this value is specified, WSDAPI will request HTTP clients to send a client certificate. If the client cannot provide one, then WSDAPI will require HTTP authentication. If the client can do neither, it will be rejected by WSDAPI. Specific scenarios include:

  • When specified during a WSDCreateDeviceHost operation, this behavior will apply to web service messages from DPWS clients.

Note  This parameter cannot be used in conjunction with WSD_SECURITY_SSL_NEGOTIATE_CLIENT_CERT. If it is, WSDAPI will return E_INVALIDARG.

Value: 13
If the server requires authentication, WSDAPI will authenticate using HTTP authentication. Specific scenarios include:

  • When specified during a WSDCreateDeviceHost operation, this behavior will apply to web service messages from DPWS clients.

  • If this value is expressed in conjunction with WSD_SECURITY_SSL_CERT_FOR_CLIENT_AUTH, WSDAPI will send the client certificate and authenticate using HTTP authentication if either operation is required by server.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Header wsdbase.h (include Windows.h)