EMRCOLORMATCHTOTARGET structure (wingdi.h)

The EMRCOLORMATCHTOTARGET structure contains members for the ColorMatchToTarget enhanced metafile record.


typedef struct tagCOLORMATCHTOTARGET {
  EMR   emr;
  DWORD dwAction;
  DWORD dwFlags;
  DWORD cbName;
  DWORD cbData;
  BYTE  Data[1];



The base structure for all record types.


The action to be taken. This member can be one of the following values.

Action Meaning
CS_ENABLE Maps colors to the target device's color gamut. This enables color proofing. All subsequent draw commands to the DC will render colors as they would appear on the target device.
CS_DISABLE Disables color proofing.
CS_DELETE_TRANSFORM If color management is enabled for the target profile, disables it and deletes the concatenated transform.


This parameter can be the following value.

Flag Meaning
COLORMATCHTOTARGET_EMBEDED Indicates that a color profile has been embedded in the metafile.


The size of the desired target profile name, in bytes.


The size of the raw target profile data in bytes, if it is attached.


An array containing the target profile name and the raw target profile data. The size of the array is cbName + cbData. If cbData is nonzero the raw target profile data is attached and follows the target profile name at location Data[cbName].


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Header wingdi.h (include Windows.h)

See also


Metafile Structures

Metafiles Overview