OperationStart function (winbase.h)

Notifies the system that the application is about to start an operation.

If an application calls OperationStart with a valid OPERATION_ID value, the system records the specified operation’s file access patterns until OperationEnd is called for the same operation ID. This record is stored in a filename.pf prefetch file. Every call to OperationStart must be followed by a call to OperationEnd, otherwise the operation's record is discarded after 10 seconds.

If an application calls OperationStart for an operation ID for which a prefetch file exists, the system loads the operation's files into memory prior to running the operation. The recording process remains the same and the system updates the appropriate filename.pf prefetch file.


BOOL OperationStart(
  [in] OPERATION_START_PARAMETERS *OperationStartParams


[in] OperationStartParams


Return value

TRUE for all valid parameters and FALSE otherwise. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


The version of the _OPERATION_START_PARAMETERS structure is defined as OPERATION_API_VERSION in the Windows SDK.

Because the OperationStart function is synchronous, it can take several seconds to return. This should be avoided in UI threads for the best responsiveness.

There is a single instance of the operation recorder in a process. Although the operation recorder APIs can be called from multiple threads within the process, all calls act on the single instance.

Application launch tracing lasts for the first 10 second of the process lifetime. OperationStart should be called after the end of application launch tracing by the system.

Every call to OperationStart must be followed by a call to OperationEnd. Otherwise, the operation trace will be discarded after about 10s.

The maximum number of operations that can be recorded on a given system is configurable. If this maximum is exceeded, the least recently used prefetch files are replaced.

On Windows 8, this functionality requires the Superfetch service to be enabled. Windows 8 will have the service enabled by default. For Windows Server 2012, this prefetching functionality needs to be enabled and disabled as required. This can be done using CIM based PowerShell cmdlets. The prefetcher functionality can be exposed using the CIM class of the CIM_PrefetcherService.


    BOOL Success;
    DWORD ErrorCode;

    // We want to notify Windows that we are going to be performing some          
    // disk-bound work that repeatedly access the same file data. The system will 
    // try to record data about our activity to make future operations faster.    
    ZeroMemory(&OpStart, sizeof(OpStart));
    OpStart.Version = OPERATION_API_VERSION;
    OpStart.OperationId = MY_OPERATION_ID_1;

    ZeroMemory(&OpEnd, sizeof(OpEnd));
    OpEnd.OperationId = MY_OPERATION_ID_1;
    // We want the system to only record activity in this thread.

    OpEnd.Flags = 0;

    Success = OperationStart(&OpStart);

    if (!Success) {
        ErrorCode = GetLastError();
        fprintf(stderr, "OperationStart failed: %d\n", ErrorCode);

        // We could not notify the system about our operation. That's OK.

    // Perform the disk-bound work that should be recorded here.  
    // This may involve opening/reading many files or loading     
    // and running many DLLs.                                    

    Success = OperationEnd(&OpEnd);

    if (!Success) {
        fprintf(stderr, "OperationEnd failed: %d\n", GetLastError());


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header winbase.h (include Windows.h)
Library Advapi32.lib
DLL Advapi32.dll

See also


Operation Recorder
