EapHostPeerQueryInteractiveUIInputFields function (eaphostpeerconfigapis.h)

The EapHostPeerQueryInteractiveUIInputFields function obtains the input fields for interactive UI components to be raised on the supplicant.


DWORD EapHostPeerQueryInteractiveUIInputFields(
  [in]      DWORD                   dwVersion,
  [in]      DWORD                   dwFlags,
  [in]      DWORD                   dwSizeofUIContextData,
  [in]      const BYTE              *pUIContextData,
  [out]     EAP_INTERACTIVE_UI_DATA *pEapInteractiveUIData,
  [out]     EAP_ERROR               **ppEapError,
  [in, out] LPVOID                  *ppvReserved


[in] dwVersion

The version number of the API.

Value Meaning
The version of the EAPHost peer API.

[in] dwFlags

A combination of EAP flags that describe the EAP authentication session behavior.

[in] dwSizeofUIContextData

The size of the context data in pUIContextData, in bytes.

[in] pUIContextData

Pointer to a BLOB that contains UI context data, represented as inner pointers to field data. These inner pointers must be freed by passing them to EapHostPeerFreeMemory, starting with the innermost pointer.

[out] pEapInteractiveUIData

Pointer that receives an EAP_INTERACTIVE_UI_DATA structure that contains configuration information for interactive UI components raised on an EAP supplicant. The caller should free the inner pointers using the function EapHostPeerFreeMemory, starting at the innermost pointer.

[out] ppEapError

A pointer to a pointer to an EAP_ERROR structure that contains any errors raised by EAPHost during the execution of this function call. After consuming the error data, this memory must be freed by calling EapHostPeerFreeErrorMemory.

[in, out] ppvReserved

Reserved for future use. This parameter must be set to 0.

Return value



EapHostPeerQueryInteractiveUIInputFields can be employed to support Single-Sign-On (SSO). The supplicant uses the EAP_FLAG_PRE_LOGON flag in EapHostPeerBeginSession to indicate to EAPHost that SSO should be provided. If the EapHostPeerResponseInvokeUI action code is received after calling EapHostPeerBeginSession, EAPHost then calls EapHostPeerQueryInteractiveUIInputFields, and later calls EapHostPeerQueryUIBlobFromInteractiveUIInputFields.

The supplicant should call the EAP_E_EAPHOST_METHOD_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED is returned, the supplicant should resort to the traditional model of invoking method interactive UI by calling EapHostPeerInvokeInteractiveUI. If there is an error, EapHostPeerQueryInteractiveUIInputFields will return a return code other than NULL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header eaphostpeerconfigapis.h
Library Eappcfg.lib
DLL Eappcfg.dll

See also

EAPHost Supplicant Configuration Functions