
In this section

Interface Description
IActivatableClassRegistration Enables getting the registration info for a class.
IActivationFactory Enables classes to be activated by the Windows Runtime.
IAgileReference Enables retrieving an agile reference to an object.
IApartmentShutdown Enables registration of an apartment shutdown notification handler.
AsyncActionCompletedHandler Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous action completes.
IAsyncAction Represents an asynchronous action.
IAsyncActionProgressHandler<TProgress> Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous action reports progress.
IAsyncActionWithProgress<TProgress> Represents an asynchronous action that reports progress.
IAsyncActionWithProgressCompletedHandler<TProgress> Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous action that reports progress completes.
IAsyncInfo Provides support for asynchronous operations.
IAsyncOperation<TResult> Represents an asynchronous operation that returns a result.
IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler<TResult> Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous operation completes.
IAsyncOperationProgressHandler Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous operation reports progress.
IAsyncOperationWithProgress Represents an asynchronous operation that returns a result and reports progress.
IAsyncOperationWithProgressCompletedHandler<TResult, TProgress> Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous operation that reports progress completes.
IAudioFrameNative Represents a frame of audio data.
IAudioFrameNativeFactory Creates instances of IAudioFrameNative.
IBuffer Represents an array of bytes.
IBufferByteAccess Represents a buffer as an array of bytes.
IClosable Defines a method to release allocated resources.
ICompositionDrawingSurfaceInterop Native interoperation interface that allows drawing on a surface object using a RECT to define the area to draw into.
ICompositionDrawingSurfaceInterop2 A native interoperation interface that allows you to read back the contents of a composition drawing surface (or a composition virtual drawing surface).
ICompositionGraphicsDeviceInterop A native interoperation interface that allows getting and setting the graphics device.
IContactManagerInterop Enables access to ContactManager methods in an app that manages multiple windows.
ICoreApplication Enables apps to handle state changes, manage windows, and integrate with a variety of UI frameworks.
ICoreApplicationExit Provides the means for Windows Store apps to stop running.
ICoreApplicationInitialization Contains a run method that is used to start the application object from the entry point of an app.
ICoreApplicationView Represents a view of an application.
ICoreImmersiveApplication Contains methods for managing views in an app.
ICoreInputInterop Enables an input source on a Windows Store app's CoreInput object.
ICoreWindowInterop Enables apps to obtain the window handleof the window (CoreWindow) associated with this interface.
IDllServerActivatableClassRegistration Enables getting the registration info for an in-process server.
IErrorReportingSettings Provides debugger integration for Windows Runtime applications.
IEventHandler<T> Represents the method that will handle an event that has event data of type T.
IExeServerActivatableClassRegistration Enables getting the registration info for an out-of-process server.
IExeServerRegistration Represents a registered an out-of-process server.
IFindReferenceTargetsCallback Defines the interface for callbacks from IReferenceTracker::FindTrackerTargets. The implementation of this interface must pass any IReferenceTrackerTarget instances it finds to the FoundTrackerTarget method.
IInputPaneInterop Enables access to the members of the InputPane class in a desktop app.
IInputStream Enables obtaining an asynchronous reader operation on a sequential stream of bytes.
IInspectable Provides functionality required for all Windows Runtime classes.
IIterable<T> Exposes the iterator, which supports simple iteration over a collection of a specified type.
IIterator<T> Supports iteration over a collection.
IKeyValuePair<K, V> Represents a key-value pair.
ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo Enables retrieving the IUnknown pointer stored in the error info with the call to RoOriginateLanguageException.
ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo2 Enables language projections to provide and retrieve error information as with ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo, with the additional benefit of working across language boundaries.
ILanguageExceptionTransform Allows language projections to make available to the system any and all context from an exception that gets thrown from the context of a catch handler that catches a different exception.
ILanguageExceptionStackBackTrace Allows projections to provide custom stack trace for that exception.
IMap<K, V> Represents an associative collection.
IMapChangedEventArgs<K> Provides data for a MapChanged event.
IMapView<K, V> Represents an immutable view into a IMap(K,V).
IMemoryBufferByteAccess Provides access to an IMemoryBuffer as an array of bytes.
IMetaDataAssemblyImport Provides methods to access and examine the contents of an assembly manifest.
IMetaDataDispenser Provides methods to create a new metadata scope, or open an existing one.
IMetaDataDispenserEx Extends the IMetaDataDispenser interface to provide the capability to control how the metadata APIs operate on the current metadata scope.
IMetaDataImport Provides methods for importing and manipulating existing metadata from a portable executable (PE) file or other source, such as a type library or a stand-alone, run-time metadata binary.
IMetaDataImport2 Extends the IMetaDataImport interface to provide the capability of working with generic types.
IMetaDataTables Provides methods for the storage and retrieval of metadata information in tables.
IMetaDataTables2 Extends IMetaDataTables to include methods for working with metadata streams.
IObservableMap<K, V> Notifies event handlers of dynamic changes to a map, such as when items get added or removed.
IObservableVector<T> Notifies event handlers of changes to the vector.
IOplockBreakingHandler This interface is not currently implemented.
IOutputStream Enables obtaining an asynchronous writer operation on a sequential stream of bytes.
IPdfRendererNative Represents a high-performance API for displaying a single page of a Portable Document Format (PDF) file.
IPackageDebugSettings Enables debugger developers control over the lifecycle of a Windows Store app, such as when it is suspended or resumed.
IPlayToManagerInterop Enables access to PlayToManager methods in a Windows Store app that manages multiple windows.
IPrintManagerInterop Enables access to PrintManager methods in a Windows Store app that manages multiple windows.
IPropertyValue Represents a value in a Windows Runtime property store.
IPropertyValueStatics Creates IPropertyValue objects that you can store in a property store.
IRandomAccessStream Enables obtaining an asynchronous byte reader or byte writer that's positioned at the specified location on a random access byte stream.
IRandomAccessStreamFileAccessMode Provides access to the file access mode that was used when the StorageFile.OpenAsync method was called to open the random-access byte stream.
IReference<T> Enables extending the Windows Runtime property system for user-defined enumerations, structures, and delegate types.
IReferenceArray<T> Enables extending the Windows Runtime property system for arrays of user-defined enumerations, structures, and delegate types.
IReferenceTracker Defines the interface implemented by the XAML framework for managing XAML object references.
IReferenceTrackerHost Defines an interface that provides the global services used by the garbage collection (GC) system used by the XAML framework.
IReferenceTrackerManager Defines the interface for a XAML object reference manager. Implement this interface to manage instances of IReferenceTracker on XAML objects.
IReferenceTrackerTarget Defines an interface implemented by a garbage collector object referenced from XAML.
IRestrictedErrorInfo Represents the details of an error, including restricted error information.
ISoftwareBitmapNative Represents a software bitmap.
ISoftwareBitmapNativeFactory Creates instances of ISoftwareBitmapNative.
IStorageFolderHandleAccess Provides access to the operating system handle of a storage folder.
IStorageItemHandleAccess Provides access to the operating system handle of a storage file.
IStringable Provides a way to represent the current object as a string.
ISurfaceImageSourceManagerNative Enables performing bulk operations across all SurfaceImageSource objects created in the same process.
ISurfaceImageSourceNativeWithD2D Provides the implementation of a shared Microsoft DirectX surface which is displayed in a SurfaceImageSource or VirtualSurfaceImageSource.
ISurfaceImageSourceNative Provides the implementation of a shared fixed-size surface for Direct2D drawing.
ISuspendingDeferral Manages a delayed app suspending operation.
ISuspendingEventArgs Provides data for an app suspending event.
ISuspendingOperation Provides information about an app suspending operation.
ISwapChainBackgroundPanelNative Provides interoperation between XAML and a DirectX swap chain.
ISwapChainPanelNative Provides interoperation between XAML and a DirectX swap chain. Unlike SwapChainBackgroundPanel, a SwapChainPanel can appear at any level in the XAML display tree, and more than 1 can be present in any given tree.
ISwapChainPanelNative2 Provides interoperation between XAML and a DirectX swap chain. Unlike SwapChainBackgroundPanel, a SwapChainPanel can appear at any level in the XAML display tree, and more than 1 can be present in any given tree.
ITypedEventHandler<TSender, TArgs> Represents the method that will handle an event from a sender of type TSender and event data of type T.
IUnbufferedFileHandleOplockCallback Defines a callback method that you want to run when the opportunistic lock for a handle that you get by calling the IUnbufferedFileHandleProvider::OpenUnbufferedFileHandle method is broken.
IUnbufferedFileHandleProvider Provides access to handles from a random-access byte stream that the StorageFile.OpenAsync method created.
IVector<T> Represents a random-access collection of elements.
IVectorChangedEventArgs Provides data for a VectorChanged event.
IVectorView<T> Represents an immutable view into a IVector(T).
IVideoFrameNative Represents a frame of video data.
IVideoFrameNativeFactory Creates instances of IVideoFrameNative.
IViewProvider Represents a view in an application.
IViewProviderFactory Creates an instance of views that implement the IViewProvider interface.
IVirtualSurfaceImageSourceNative Provides the implementation of a large (greater than the screen size) shared surface for DirectX drawing.
IVirtualSurfaceUpdatesCallbackNative Provides an interface for the implementation of drawing behaviors when a VirtualSurfaceImageSource requests an update.
IWeakReference Represents a weak reference to an object.
IWeakReferenceSource Represents a source object to which a weak reference can be retrieved.
MapChangedEventHandler<K, V> Represents the method that handles the MapChanged event of an observable map.
VectorChangedEventHandler<T> Represents the method that handles the VectorChanged event of an observable vector.