IFsrmExportImport interface (fsrm.h)

Used to export and import FSRM objects.

Note  This interface supports local use only. Remote operations are not supported.
To get this interface, call the CoCreateInstanceEx function. Use CLSID_FsrmExportImport as the class identifier and __uuidof(IFsrmExportImport) as the interface identifier. You must use the CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER class context to create the object.


The IFsrmExportImport interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. IFsrmExportImport also has these types of members:


The IFsrmExportImport interface has these methods.


Exports one or more file groups to the specified file.

Exports one or more file screen templates to the specified file.

Exports one or more quota templates to the specified file.

Imports one or more file groups from the specified file.

Imports one or more file screen templates from the specified file.

Imports one or more quota templates from the specified file.


Typically, these methods are used to move objects from one computer to another. These methods differ from the import and export methods on the objects (for example, IFsrmFileGroupManager::ExportFileGroups) in that they write to and read from a file whereas the object methods write to and read from a string.

The file that the export methods create is written in the context of the user.

To create this object from a script, use the Fsrm.FsrmExportImport program identifier.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header fsrm.h (include FsrmPipeline.h, FsrmQuota.h, FsrmReports.h, FsrmScreen.h, FsrmTlb.h)