IFsrmPathMapper::GetSharePathsForLocalPath method (fsrm.h)

Retrieves a list of network shares that point to the specified local path.


HRESULT GetSharePathsForLocalPath(
  [in]  BSTR      localPath,
  [out] SAFEARRAY **sharePaths


[in] localPath

The local path. The string is limited to 260 characters.

[out] sharePaths

A SAFEARRAY of VARIANTs. Each VARIANT contains a network share path that points to the local path. The variant type is VT_BSTR. Use the bstrVal member to access the share path.

Return value

The method returns the following return values.


When you get the path property for a quota, the path is the local path. You use this method to convert that local path to the network path if you want to know the actual network share that is running out of space.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows ServerĀ 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header fsrm.h (include FsrmPipeline.h, FsrmQuota.h, FsrmReports.h, FsrmScreen.h, FsrmTlb.h)
DLL SrmSvc.dll

See also

