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Mcml Element

The top-level root tag of a Windows Media Center markup document.





Specifies a resource to load. For example, to load a particular UI from another MCML file, use the statement xmlns:xyz="filename.mcml#UIName".


The most common top-level element within an MCML resource is the UI element. However, you can use any .NET object at the top level. The object must be named and placed in a markup library. Markup libraries are typically used for accessing common objects, such as images, from one location.

Markup libraries are not global. Namespaces are available to avoid name collisions. Libraries are per-MCML resource, so namespaced library access is required. Use the following syntax to access a library:


You can use this syntax as a value to any property that accepts that type. For example, you can specify an image library (image://me:MyLogo), and then use it as a value in the Content property of the Graphic element, which specifies an image.

The set of predefined libraries are as follows.

Library Description
Image (image://) Stores Image types.
Sound (sound://) Stores Sound types.
Font (font://) Stores Font types.
Color (color://) Stores Color types.
Animation (animation://) Stores Animation types.
Global (global://) Stores all other types.


Platform: Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Premium, and later

See Also