IDXGIAdapter::CheckInterfaceSupport method (dxgi.h)

Checks whether the system supports a device interface for a graphics component.


HRESULT CheckInterfaceSupport(
  [in]  REFGUID       InterfaceName,
  [out] LARGE_INTEGER *pUMDVersion


[in] InterfaceName


The GUID of the interface of the device version for which support is being checked. This should usually be __uuidof(IDXGIDevice), which returns the version number of the Direct3D 9 UMD (user mode driver) binary. Since WDDM 2.3, all driver components within a driver package (D3D9, D3D11, and D3D12) have been required to share a single version number, so this is a good way to query the driver version regardless of which API is being used.

[out] pUMDVersion


The user mode driver version of InterfaceName. This is returned only if the interface is supported, otherwise this parameter will be NULL.

Return value


S_OK indicates that the interface is supported, otherwise DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED is returned (For more information, see DXGI_ERROR).


Note  You can use CheckInterfaceSupport only to check whether a Direct3D 10.x interface is supported, and only on Windows Vista SP1 and later versions of the operating system. If you try to use CheckInterfaceSupport to check whether a Direct3D 11.x and later version interface is supported, CheckInterfaceSupport returns DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED. Therefore, do not use CheckInterfaceSupport. Instead, to verify whether the operating system supports a particular interface, try to create the interface. For example, if you call the ID3D11Device::CreateBlendState method and it fails, the operating system does not support the ID3D11BlendState interface.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header dxgi.h
Library DXGI.lib

See also

DXGI Interfaces
