Overall UDDI Model

Note: The Microsoft UDDI SDK is not supported by or included in Microsoft Windows versions after Microsoft Windows Server 7. The Microsoft UDDI V3 SDK is included with Microsoft BizTalk Server. For more information about the Microsoft UDDI V3 SDK, see Microsoft BizTalk Server documentation

The two primary UDDI Version 2.0 specifications include the Data Structure Reference, which defines the content of a UDDI server, and the API Specification, which defines the messages sent to and from a UDDI server. This topic describes the most important concepts of the specifications and summarizes them with a conceptual diagram.

UDDI Server Content

The UDDI server content includes the following five core information types:

  • Business Entity: A business, business unit, organization, organizational department, person, computer, or application that offers one or more Web services. This entity aggregates all contact, service, and interface information. In Microsoft Enterprise UDDI Services, this is referred to as a Provider.

  • Business Service: A group of Web services related by business process or category of service. In UDDI Services this is referred to as a Service.

  • Binding Template: The information that is necessary to invoke a Web service. In UDDI Services this is referred to as a Binding.

  • Technical Model: Metadata used to access specifications about a type of service, information, or categorization.

  • Publisher Assertion: A relationship assertion between two Business Entities, necessarily made by both entities in the relationship.

A Business Entity can contain zero, or more, Business Services, which can contain zero, or more, Binding Templates. A Binding Template can reference one, or more, Technical Models, and a Publisher Assertion references two Business Entities.


The following three types of messages are sent to and from the UDDI server:

  • Inquiry Messages: Find potentially useful objects and get detailed information for specified objects.

  • Publish Messages: Create and manage the UDDI server content.

  • Response Messages: Provide the results of inquiries and registrations.

Each of the message types divides into several subtypes, usually determined by functional characteristics.

Conceptual Model

The following diagram summarizes the conceptual model of UDDI, including the content of the UDDI server, the messages sent to it, and the responses the UDDI server returns.

Overall UDDI Model

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