Registering a Callback

If the application requires notification when the value of a state variable changes or the service instance it represents becomes unavailable, the application must register a callback function. To register a callback function for the service object to invoke, use the IUPnPService::AddCallback method. This method can be used to register more than one callback.

Developers should not cancel an asynchronous operation inside an asynchronous callback.


Adding a callback in Visual Basic is different from the method used in VBScript. The GetRef function used in the VBScript is not available in Visual Basic. Therefore, a developer must create an IDispatch object that has the callback function as the default method. See Registering a Callback in Visual Basic.


VBScript Example

The following VBScript code defines the callback function serviceChangeCallback, to be invoked when the values of state variables change or when the service instance becomes unavailable. The function has four arguments.

The first argument to the function specifies the reason the callback is invoked. It is invoked either because a state variable changed, or because the service instance has become unavailable.

The second argument is the Service object for which the callback is invoked. If the callback is invoked for a state variable change, then the function is passed two additional arguments: the name of the variable that changed, and its new value.

In this example, the callback simply displays a message box that shows the name of the changed variable and its new value, and if the callback was invoked for a state variable change. Otherwise, it displays a message that indicates the service instance is no longer available.

The last part of the code fragment shows how to register the callback function using the AddCallback method. The service object variables, appService and xportService are assumed to have been initialized as shown in Obtaining Service Objects.

'State Change Callback Function
'Note:  In the sub declaration statement below, VARIABLE_UPDATE
'is one of two possible values for the callbackType argument; 

Sub serviceChangeCallback(callbacktype, svcObj, varName, value)
    If (callbacktype = "VARIABLE_UPDATE") then
        Dim outString
        outString = "State Variable Changed:" & vbCrLf
        outString = outString & varName & " == " & value
        MsgBox(outString, "Service Callback")
    Else if (callbacktype = "SERVICE_INSTANCE_DIED") then
        MsgBox("Service instance is no longer available", 
               "Service Callback")
    End If
End Sub

' ...
'Add our state change callback to each service
appService.AddCallback GetRef("serviceChangeCallback")
xportService.AddCallback GetRef("serviceChangeCallback")

C++ Example

#include <windows.h>
#include <upnp.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "oleaut32.lib")

class CUPnPServiceCallback : public IUPnPServiceCallback
        m_lRefCount = 0;
    STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID iid, LPVOID* ppvObject)
        HRESULT hr = S_OK;
        if(NULL == ppvObject)
            hr = E_POINTER;
            *ppvObject = NULL;
            if(IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUPnPServiceCallback))
                *ppvObject = static_cast<IUPnPServiceCallback*>(this);
                hr = E_NOINTERFACE;
        return hr;
        return ::InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRefCount);
        LONG lRefCount = ::InterlockedDecrement(&m_lRefCount);
        if(0 == lRefCount)
            delete this;
        return lRefCount;
    STDMETHODIMP StateVariableChanged(IUPnPService *pus, LPCWSTR pcwszStateVarName, VARIANT varValue)
        HRESULT    hr = S_OK;
        BSTR ServiceId;
        hr = pus->get_Id(&ServiceId);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            VARIANT AlphaVariant;
            hr = VariantChangeType(&AlphaVariant, &varValue, VARIANT_ALPHABOOL, VT_BSTR);
                printf("StateVariableChanged called for the %S service"
                       " for %S state variable with the value=%S.\n",
                        ServiceId, pcwszStateVarName, V_BSTR(&AlphaVariant));
        return hr;

    STDMETHODIMP ServiceInstanceDied(IUPnPService *pus)
        HRESULT hr = S_OK;
        BSTR ServiceType;
        hr = pus->get_ServiceTypeIdentifier(&ServiceType);
            printf("ServiceInstanceDied called for the %S service!\n", ServiceType);
        return hr;
    LONG m_lRefCount;

HRESULT AddCallbackToService(IUPnPService* pUPnPService)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    IUnknown* pUPnPServiceCallback = new CUPnPServiceCallback;
    if(NULL != pUPnPServiceCallback)
        hr = pUPnPService->AddCallback(pUPnPServiceCallback);
        hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    return hr;