ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName function (resapi.h)

Enumerates the dependencies of a specified resource in a specified cluster and returns a handle to a dependency of a specified type. The PRESUTIL_GET_RESOURCE_DEPENDENCY_BY_NAME type defines a pointer to this function.


HRESOURCE ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName(
  [in] HCLUSTER hCluster,
  [in] HANDLE   hSelf,
  [in] LPCWSTR  lpszResourceType,
  [in] BOOL     bRecurse


[in] hCluster

Handle to the cluster to which the resource belongs.

[in] hSelf

Handle to the dependent resource. This resource depends on one or more resources.

[in] lpszResourceType

NULL-terminated Unicode string specifying the resource type of the dependency to return.

[in] bRecurse

Determines the scope of the search. If TRUE, the function checks the entire dependency tree under the dependent resource. If FALSE, the function checks only the resources on which the dependent resource directly depends.

Return value

If the operation succeeds, the function returns a handle to one of the resources on which the resource specified by hSelf depends. The caller is responsible for closing the handle by calling CloseClusterResource.

If the operation fails, the function returns NULL. For more information, call the GetLastError function.

Return code Description
The operation was not successful. For more information, call the function GetLastError.


The ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName, ResUtilGetResourceDependency, and ResUtilGetResourceNameDependency functions are very similar in that they all provide access to dependencies of a particular resource type. The following list summarizes the differences between the functions.

Function How the dependent resource is specified Requires cluster handle
ResUtilGetResourceDependency Resource handle No
ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName Resource handle Yes
ResUtilGetResourceNameDependency Resource name No

Do not call ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName from any resource DLL entry point function. ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName can safely be called from a worker thread. For more information, see Function Calls to Avoid in Resource DLLs.


As the following example illustrates, if you know that resource A depends on a Physical Disk resource, you can use ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName to obtain a handle to the dependency.

// String initialization and error checking omitted.

HCLUSTER hCluster = OpenCluster( lpszClusterName );

// Resource A depends on a storage class resource.
// Get a handle to that resource.
HRESOURCE hResA = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, lpszResName );

HRESOURCE hResD = ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName(
                        L"Physical Disk",
                        TRUE );

// Close handles and free memory.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
Target Platform Windows
Header resapi.h
Library ResUtils.lib
DLL ResUtils.dll

See also





