DataManagerSteps enumeration (pla.h)

Defines the actions that the data manager takes when it runs.


typedef enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_pla_0001_0043_0011 {
  plaCreateReport = 0x1,
  plaRunRules = 0x2,
  plaCreateHtml = 0x4,
  plaFolderActions = 0x8,
  plaResourceFreeing = 0x10
} DataManagerSteps;


Value: 0x1
Runs TraceRpt.exe using as input all the binary performance files (.blg) or event trace files (.etl) in the collection. You can use the IDataManager::ReportSchema property to customize the report.

The IDataManager::RuleTargetFileName property contains the name of the file that TraceRpt creates.
Value: 0x2
If a report exists, apply the rules specified in the IDataManager::Rules property to the report.

The RuleTargetFileName property contains the name of the file to which the rules are applied.
Value: 0x4
Converts the XML file specified in RuleTargetFileName to HTML format. The HTML format is written to the file specified in the IDataManager::ReportFileName property.
Value: 0x8
Apply the folder actions specified in the IDataManager::FolderActions property to all folders defined in the collection.
Value: 0x10
If the IDataManager::MaxFolderCount, IDataManager::MaxSize, or IDataManager::MinFreeDisk property exceeds its limit, apply the resource policy specified in the IDataManager::ResourcePolicy property.


Specify one or more actions. The data manager applies the actions in the order in which they are defined in this enumeration.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Header pla.h

See also
