ITfPropertyStore::Divide method (msctf.h)

Called when the text covered by the property is split into two ranges.


  [in]  ITfRange         *pRangeThis,
  [in]  ITfRange         *pRangeNew,
  [out] ITfPropertyStore **ppPropStore


[in] pRangeThis

Pointer to an ITfRange object that contains the range that the property store now covers. This will be the range of text closest to the beginning of the context.

[in] pRangeNew

Pointer to an ITfRange object that contains the range that the new property store will cover. This will be the range of text closest to the end of the context.

[out] ppPropStore

Pointer to an ITfPropertyStore interface pointer that receives a new property store object that will cover the range specified by pRangeNew.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.

Value Description
The method was successful.


This method creates a new property store object to cover pRangeNew and returns the pointer to this object in ppPropStore. If no new property store is returned, the original property store is discarded and the property store for both ranges is set to empty.

If this method returns any value other than S_OK, the original property store is discarded.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header msctf.h
DLL Msctf.dll
Redistributable TSF 1.0 on Windows 2000 Professional

See also

