Windows.Phone.Networking.Voip namespace

Provides APIs for implementing VoIP applications.


The Windows.Phone.Networking.Voip namespace has these types of members:

  • Classes
  • Enumerations
  • Interfaces


Class Description
CallAnswerEventArgs Supports the AnswerRequested event of the VoipPhoneCall class.
CallRejectEventArgs Supports the RejectRequested event of the VoipPhoneCall class.
CallStateChangeEventArgs Supports the EndRequested, HoldRequested, and ResumeRequested events of the VoipPhoneCall class.
MuteChangeEventArgs Supports the Muted and Unmuted events.
QuerySeamlessUpgradeSupportOperation Represents a VoIP operation to determine if a remote user supports seamless upgrade from a cellular call to a VoIP call.
VoipCallCoordinator Allows an application to manage VoIP calls.
VoipPhoneCall Represents a VoIP phone call.



The Windows.Phone.Networking.Voip namespace has these enumerations.

Enumeration Description
SeamlessCallUpgradeSupport Specifies the support level for seamlessly upgrading cellular calls to VoIP.
VoipCallMedia Specifies the media types used by a VoIP call.
VoipCallRejectReason Specifies the reason that an incoming call was rejected.
VoipCallState Specifies the state of a VoIP call.
VoipOperationType Specifies the type of a VoIP operation.



The Windows.Phone.Networking.Voip namespace defines these interfaces.

Interface Description
IVoipOperation The base interface of all VoIP operations.