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PlaylistMediaSource.ClipFailed | clipfailed event

Occurs when an error occurs with a media clip in the Clips list.


function onClipFailed(eventArgs) { /* Your code */ }
// addEventListener syntax
playlistMediaSource.addEventListener("clipfailed", onClipFailed);
playlistMediaSource.removeEventListener("clipfailed", onClipFailed);
- or -

playlistMediaSource.onclipfailed = onClipFailed;
public event TypedEventHandler<PlaylistMediaSource, ClipFailedEventArgs> ClipFailed
Public Event ClipFailed As TypedEventHandler(Of PlaylistMediaSource, ClipFailedEventArgs)
event TypedEventHandler<PlaylistMediaSource, ClipFailedEventArgs>^ ClipFailed {
   Windows::Foundation::EventRegistrationToken add(TypedEventHandler<PlaylistMediaSource, ClipFailedEventArgs>^ value);
   void remove(Windows::Foundation::EventRegistrationToken token);

Event information

Delegate TypedEventHandler<PlaylistMediaSource, ClipFailedEventArgs>


This event gives you an opportunity to update your UI to indicate that a clip has failed. When a clip fails, it is not automatically removed from the playlist. If playlist looping has been enabled, by setting the IsLooping property to true, the system will attempt to play the clip again the next time it is encountered in the list. Check the Error property of the ClipFailedEventArgs to determine what error occurred and if any action should be taken. For example, if the error is SourceNotSupported, meaning that the format of the clip is not supported, the clip will certainly fail again the next time it is played, so you will likely want to remove that clip from the playlist in the ClipFailed event handler..


Minimum supported client

Windows 10 Insider Preview

Minimum supported server

Windows Server Technical Preview

Minimum supported phone

Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview


Windows.Media.Playlists Windows::Media::Playlists [C++]



See also


