Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments Enumerations

In this section

Topic Description

AppointmentStoreAccessType enumeration

Specifies the level of access granted to an AppointmentStore.

AppointmentBusyStatus enumeration

Specifies the busy status for a participant of an appointment.

AppointmentCalendarOtherAppReadAccess enumeration

Specifies the level of read access provided to an app calendar.

AppointmentCalendarOtherAppWriteAccess enumeration

Specifies the level of write access provided to an app calendar.

AppointmentCalendarSyncStatus enumeration

Specifies the current sync status of an AppointmentCalendar.

AppointmentConflictType enumeration

Specifies the way in which an appointment conflicts with another appointment.

AppointmentDaysOfWeek enumeration

Specifies the days of the week on which an appointment occurs.

AppointmentDetailsKind enumeration

Defines the type of content in appointment details.

AppointmentParticipantResponse enumeration

Specifies the response from a participant concerning an appointment invitation.

AppointmentParticipantRole enumeration

Specifies the role of an item concerning an appointment invitation.

AppointmentRecurrenceUnit enumeration

Specifies the frequency for which an appointment occurs.

AppointmentSensitivity enumeration

Specifies the sensitivity of an appointment.

AppointmentStoreChangeType enumeration

Specifies the type of change represented by an AppointmentStoreChange object.

AppointmentSummaryCardView enumeration

Specifies how the summary card for an appointment is displayed.

AppointmentWeekOfMonth enumeration

Specifies the week of the month for which the appointment occurs.

FindAppointmentCalendarsOptions enumeration

Specifies additional options when querying for appointment calendars.

RecurrenceType enumeration

Specifies the recurrence type of an appointment.