MappingGetServices function (elscore.h)

Retrieves a list of available ELS platform-supported services, along with associated information, according to application-specified criteria.


HRESULT MappingGetServices(
  [in, optional] PMAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS pOptions,
  [out]          PMAPPING_SERVICE_INFO *prgServices,
  [out]          DWORD                 *pdwServicesCount


[in, optional] pOptions

Pointer to a MAPPING_ENUM_OPTIONS structure containing criteria to use during enumeration of services. The application specifies NULL for this parameter to retrieve all installed services.

[out] prgServices

Address of a pointer to an array of MAPPING_SERVICE_INFO structures containing service information matching the criteria supplied in the pOptions parameter.

[out] pdwServicesCount

Pointer to a DWORD variable in which this function retrieves the number of retrieved services.

Return value

Returns S_OK if successful. The function returns an error HRESULT value if it does not succeed.

Note  The application must test for any failure before proceeding with further operations.



The ELS application can either retrieve all services or filter the services according to specified options. For an associated procedure and code sample, see Enumerating and Freeing Services.

To avoid resource leaks, the application must free the pointer indicated by prgServices with a call to MappingFreeServices.

For performance reasons, it is recommended to retrieve services infrequently. For example, if the application needs a specific service, by GUID, it can be enumerated when needed and cached for future use.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header elscore.h
Library Elscore.lib
DLL Elscore.dll

See also

Enumerating and Freeing Services

Extended Linguistic Services

Extended Linguistic Services Functions


