VarDateFromUdateEx function (oleauto.h)

Converts a time and date converted from MS-DOS format to variant format.


HRESULT VarDateFromUdateEx(
  [in]  UDATE *pudateIn,
  [in]  LCID  lcid,
  [in]  ULONG dwFlags,
  [out] DATE  *pdateOut


[in] pudateIn

The unpacked date.

[in] lcid

The locale identifier.

[in] dwFlags

VAR_VALIDDATE if the date is valid.

[out] pdateOut

The packed date.

Return value

This function can return one of these values.

Return code Description
One of the arguments is not valid.
Insufficient memory to complete the operation.


The UDATE structure is used with VarDateFromUdateEx, VarDateFromUdate, and VarUdateFromDate. It represents an unpacked date.

typedef struct {
    USHORT  wDayOfYear;

The VarDateFromUdate function accepts invalid dates and tries to fix them when resolving to a VARIANT time. Only days are fixed, so invalid month values result in an error being returned. Days are checked to verify that they are in the range of 1 through 31. Negative days and days greater than 31 result in an error. A day less than 31 but greater than the maximum day in that month has the day promoted to the appropriate day of the next month. For example, an invalid date such as 2/29/2001 resolves to 3/1/2001. A day equal to zero resolves as the last day of the previous month. For example, an invalid date such as 2/0/2001 resolves to 1/31/2001.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header oleauto.h
Library OleAut32.lib
DLL OleAut32.dll