XMStoreFloat4x3A function (directxmath.h)

Stores an XMVECTOR in an XMFLOAT4X3A.


void XM_CALLCONV XMStoreFloat4x3A(
  [out] XMFLOAT4X3A *pDestination,
  [in]  FXMMATRIX   M
) noexcept;


[out] pDestination

Address at which to store the data. This address must be 16-byte aligned.

[in] M

Matrix containing the data to store.

Return value



XMFLOAT4X3A is a row-major matrix form. This function cannot be used to write out column-major data since it assumes the last column is

assert(((uint32_t_PTR)pDestination & 0xF) == 0);

pDestination->m[0][0] = M.r[0].v[0];
pDestination->m[0][1] = M.r[0].v[1];
pDestination->m[0][2] = M.r[0].v[2];

pDestination->m[1][0] = M.r[1].v[0];
pDestination->m[1][1] = M.r[1].v[1];
pDestination->m[1][2] = M.r[1].v[2];

pDestination->m[2][0] = M.r[2].v[0];
pDestination->m[2][1] = M.r[2].v[1];
pDestination->m[2][2] = M.r[2].v[2];

pDestination->m[3][0] = M.r[3].v[0];
pDestination->m[3][1] = M.r[3].v[1];
pDestination->m[3][2] = M.r[3].v[2];


The following pseudocode demonstrates the operation of the function.

0 0 0 1

Platform Requirements

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 with the Windows SDK for Windows 8. Supported for Win32 desktop apps, Windows Store apps, and Windows Phone 8 apps.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header directxmath.h

See also

DirectXMath Library Vector Store Functions