VoipCallCoordinator.RequestNewIncomingCall method

Notifies the system of a new incoming call.


public void RequestNewIncomingCall(
  string context, 
  string contactName, 
  string contactNumber, 
  Uri contactImage, 
  string serviceName, 
  Uri brandingImage, 
  string callDetails, 
  Uri ringtone, 
  VoipCallMedia media, 
  TimeSpan ringTimeout, 
  out VoipPhoneCall call
Public Sub RequestNewIncomingCall(
  context As String,  
  contactName As String,  
  contactNumber As String,  
  contactImage As Uri,  
  serviceName As String,  
  brandingImage As Uri,  
  callDetails As String,  
  ringtone As Uri,  
  media As VoipCallMedia,  
  ringTimeout As TimeSpan,  
  <OutAttribute> ByRef call As VoipPhoneCall 
void RequestNewIncomingCall(
  String^ context, 
  String^ contactName, 
  String^ contactNumber, 
  Uri^ contactImage, 
  String^ serviceName, 
  Uri^ brandingImage, 
  String^ callDetails, 
  Uri^ ringtone, 
  VoipCallMedia media, 
  TimeSpan ringTimeout, 
  [OutAttribute] VoipPhoneCall^ call


  • context
    Type: System.String [.NET] | Platform::String [C++]

    A string that is passed to the associated foreground app as a deep link. The maximum length is 128 characters. This parameter must be non-null.

  • contactName
    Type: System.String [.NET] | Platform::String [C++]

    The contact name of the caller to be displayed on the incoming call UI. The maximum length is 128 characters.

  • contactNumber
    Type: System.String [.NET] | Platform::String [C++]

    The phone number of the caller to be displayed on the incoming call UI. The maximum length is 128 characters.

  • contactImage
    Type: System.Uri [.NET] | Windows::Foundation::Uri [C++]

    The Uri of an image file associated with the caller to be displayed on the incoming call UI. The file type must be PNG or JPG. The maximum file size is 1MB.

  • serviceName
    Type: System.String [.NET] | Platform::String [C++]

    The name of the VoIP service or application. The maximum length is 128 characters.

  • brandingImage
    Type: System.Uri [.NET] | Windows::Foundation::Uri [C++]

    The Uri of an image file that is a logo or icon of the VoIP service or application to be displayed on the incoming call UI. The file type must be PNG or JPG. The maximum file size is 128KB.

  • callDetails
    Type: System.String [.NET] | Platform::String [C++]

    A string indicating who the call is on behalf of. The maximum length is 128 characters.

  • ringtone
    Type: System.Uri [.NET] | Windows::Foundation::Uri [C++]

    The Uri of an audio file containing the ringtone for this call. The file type must be WMA or MP3. The maximum file size is 1MB.

  • media
    Type: VoipCallMedia

    The media types of the new incoming call.

  • ringTimeout
    Type: System.TimeSpan [.NET] | Windows::Foundation::TimeSpan [C++]

    The time, in seconds, the system should wait for the user to answer or ignore the call before rejecting the call. The allowed range is 5 to 120 seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.

  • call (out parameter)
    Type: VoipPhoneCall

    The object representing the new incoming call.


Minimum supported client

None supported

Minimum supported server

None supported

Minimum supported phone

Windows Phone 8


Windows.Phone.Networking.Voip Windows::Phone::Networking::Voip [C++]




ID_CAP_VOIP [Windows Phone]

See also
