ARIA Role Error


Element has invalid WAI-ARIA role.




This error applies to all elements that have the role attribute. It indicates that the role attribute is not a valid Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) role value as defined by the WAI-ARIA specification. Setting a valid role helps ensure that the element is correctly interpreted by screen readers and other assistive technology tools.

To fix this error, set the role attribute to a valid WAI-ARIA role value. Note that abstract WAI-ARIA roles are not valid.


<!—The invalid role will not expose this element as a button. -->
<div role="backbutton" tabindex="0" aria-label="Back" onclick="mouseAction(event)" onkeyup="keyAction(event)" >

<!—Setting the correct role will expose this as a button that can be clicked. -->
<div role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="Back" onclick="mouseAction(event)" onkeyup="keyAction(event)" >

ARIA Container Role Error