index Class

Defines an N-dimensional index vector.


template <int _Rank>
class index;


The rank, or number of dimensions.


Public Constructors

Name Description
index Constructor Initializes a new instance of the index class.

Public Operators

Name Description
operator-- Decrements each element of the index object.
operator%= Calculates the modulus (remainder) of each element in the index object when that element is divided by a number.
operator*= Multiplies each element of the index object by a number.
operator/= Divides each element of the index object by a number.
index::operator[] Returns the element that's at the specified index.
operator++ Increments each element of the index object.
operator+= Adds the specified number to each element of the index object.
operator= Copies the contents of the specified index object into this one.
operator-= Subtracts the specified number from each element of the index object.

Public Constants

Name Description
rank Constant Stores the rank of the index object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



The index structure represents a coordinate vector of N integers that specifies a unique position in an N-dimensional space. The values in the vector are ordered from most significant to least significant. You can retrieve the values of the components using operator=.


Header: amp.h

Namespace: Concurrency

index Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the index class.

index() restrict(amp,cpu);

   const index<_Rank>& _Other
) restrict(amp,cpu);

explicit index(
   int _I
) restrict(amp,cpu);

   int _I0,
   int _I1
) restrict(amp,cpu);

   int _I0,
   int _I1,
   int _I2
) restrict(amp,cpu);

explicit index(
   const int _Array[_Rank]
) restrict(amp,cpu);


A one-dimensional array with the rank values.

The index location in a one-dimensional index.

The length of the most significant dimension.

The length of the next-to-most-significant dimension.

The length of the least significant dimension.

An index object on which the new index object is based.


Decrements each element of the index object.

index<_Rank>& operator--() restrict(amp,cpu);

index operator--(
) restrict(amp,cpu);

Return values

For the prefix operator, the index object (*this). For the suffix operator, a new index object.


Calculates the modulus (remainder) of each element in the index object when that element is divided by the specified number.

index<_Rank>& operator%=(
   int _Rhs
) restrict(cpu, amp);


The number to divide by to find the modulus.

Return Value

The index object.


Multiplies each element in the index object by the specified number.

index<_Rank>& operator*=(
   int _Rhs
) restrict(amp,cpu);


The number to multiply.


Divides each element in the index object by the specified number.

index<_Rank>& operator/=(
   int _Rhs
) restrict(amp,cpu);


The number to divide by.


Returns the component of the index at the specified location.

int operator[] (
   unsigned _Index
) const restrict(amp,cpu);

int& operator[] (
   unsigned _Index
) restrict(amp,cpu);


An integer from 0 through the rank minus 1.

Return Value

The element that's at the specified index.


This following example displays the component values of the index.

// Prints 1 2 3.
concurrency::index<3> idx(1, 2, 3);
std::cout << idx[0] << "\n";
std::cout << idx[1] << "\n";
std::cout << idx[2] << "\n";


Increments each element of the index object.

index<_Rank>& operator++() restrict(amp,cpu);

index<_Rank> operator++(
) restrict(amp,cpu);

Return Value

For the prefix operator, the index object (*this). For the suffix operator, a new index object.


Adds the specified number to each element of the index object.

index<_Rank>& operator+=(
   const index<_Rank>& _Rhs
) restrict(amp,cpu);

index<_Rank>& operator+=(
   int _Rhs
) restrict(amp,cpu);


The number to add.

Return Value

The index object.


Copies the contents of the specified index object into this one.

index<_Rank>& operator=(
   const index<_Rank>& _Other
) restrict(amp,cpu);


The index object to copy from.

Return Value

A reference to this index object.


Subtracts the specified number from each element of the index object.

index<_Rank>& operator-=(
   const index<_Rank>& _Rhs
) restrict(amp,cpu);

index<_Rank>& operator-=(
   int _Rhs
) restrict(amp,cpu);


The number to subtract.

Return Value

The index object.


Gets the rank of the index object.

static const int rank = _Rank;

See also

Concurrency Namespace (C++ AMP)