ScheduledTask Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

The ScheduledTask type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
BeginTime This property is not supported for ScheduledTask objects in the current version. (Overrides ScheduledAction..::.BeginTime.)
Description Gets or sets the description of the ScheduledTask. This string is displayed to the user in the Background Tasks settings page on the device.
ExpirationTime Gets or sets the time at which the action’s schedule expires. (Inherited from ScheduledAction.)
IsEnabled This value is not used in the current release. (Inherited from ScheduledAction.)
IsScheduled Gets the scheduled status of the action. (Inherited from ScheduledAction.)
LastExitReason Gets the reason that the agent exited the last time it was run.
LastScheduledTime Gets the last time the agent was scheduled to be run, in the device’s local time.
Name Gets the name of the scheduled action. (Inherited from ScheduledAction.)


See Also


ScheduledTask Class

Microsoft.Phone.Scheduler Namespace