MSCandidateWindowUpdate | oncandidatewindowupdate event

Fires after the Input Method Editor (IME) candidate window has been identified as needing to change size, but before any visual updates have rendered.

Note  This event is not supported with IMEs for Internet Explorer for the desktop. It is only supported with IMEs for Internet Explorer in the new Windows UI on Windows 8.1.



Event Property object.oncandidatewindowupdate = handler;
addEventListener Method object.addEventListener("MSCandidateWindowUpdate", handler, useCapture)


Event information

Synchronous No
Bubbles No
Cancelable No


Event handler parameters


An IME candidate window may be identified as needing to change size for any of the following reasons:

  • As a result of displaying new / changed alternatives or predictions
  • Due to user-zoom, browser frame resize, or another action that changes the candidate window placement

Web applications need only register for this event once per element (the handler will remain valid for the lifetime of the element).

See also




