IMbnPinEvents::OnUnblockComplete method (mbnapi.h)


Starting in Windows 10, version 1803, the Win32 APIs described in this section are replaced by the Windows Runtime APIs in the Windows.Networking.Connectivity namespace.

Notification method called by the Mobile Broadband service to indicate that a PIN unblock operation has completed


HRESULT OnUnblockComplete(
  [in] IMbnPin      *Pin,
  [in] MBN_PIN_INFO *pinInfo,
  [in] ULONG        requestID,
  [in] HRESULT      status


[in] Pin

An IMbnPin interface that represents the PIN type.

[in] pinInfo

A pointer to a MBN_PIN_INFO structure that contains information on remaining attempts, in case of failure operations. The contents of pinInfo are meaningful only when status is E_MBN_FAILURE.

[in] requestID

A request ID set by the Mobile Broadband service to identify the PIN unblock request.

[in] status

A status code that indicates the outcome of the operation.

A calling application can expect one of the following values.

Value Meaning
The operation was successful.
The device does not support this operation.
The operation could not be completed.
A PIN is required for the operation to complete. The calling application can call the GetPinState method of IMbnPinManager to discover the type of expected PIN.
There is no SIM in the device.
There is a bad SIM in the device.

Return value

This method must return S_OK.


The OnUnblockComplete method is called by the Mobile Broadband service to report the completion status of a PIN unblock operation initialized by a call to the Unblock method of IMbnPin.

The contents of pinInfo are meaningful only when status is E_MBN_FAILURE. The pinState member should be ignored and pinType field is set to the PIN type of the current IMbnPin interface. This structure contains the attempts remaining to enter a valid PIN.

For example, if the PIN passed to change a PIN type is incorrect then the operation will fail with a status code of E_MBN_FAILURE. In this case, pinInfo.attemptsRemaining specifies the number of attempts remaining to retry this operation. If repeated attempts with the wrong PIN causes attemptsRemaining to become 0 then the application can call the GetPinState method of IMbnPinManager to get the type of PIN required.

If the device fails to unblock, and if the PUK blocking is of a MBN_PIN_TYPE_PIN1 pin, then it will also result in the ready state of the device changing to MBN_READY_STATE_BAD_SIM. The calling application will be notified about the ReadyState change through the OnReadyStateChange member of IMbnInterfaceEvents.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header mbnapi.h

See also
