Advanced Development Technologies

This topic provides links to information on sophisticated development tasks and techniques in the .NET Framework.

In This Section

  • Add-ins and Extensibility
    Describes how to develop add-in applications that extend a host application's functionality.

  • Administration and Management
    Provides information about using Directory Services and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

  • Asynchronous Programming Design Patterns
    Discusses asynchronous programming features in the .NET Framework.

  • Component Authoring for the Design Environment
    Describes how to create custom components and how to extend design-time support.

  • Dynamic Source Code Generation and Compilation
    Explains the Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM), which enables the output of source code in multiple programming languages.

  • Emitting Dynamic Methods and Assemblies
    Describes a set of managed types in the System.Reflection.Emit namespace that allow a compiler or tool to emit metadata and Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) at run time and optionally generate a portable executable (PE) file on disk.

  • Expression Trees
    Introduces expression trees, which are tree-shaped data structures that can be used to represent language-level code in the form of data.

  • Garbage Collection
    Discusses how the garbage collector manages memory and how you can program to use memory more efficiently.

  • Hosting the Common Language Runtime
    Explains the concept of a runtime host, which loads the runtime into a process, creates the application domain within the process, and loads and executes user code.

  • Interoperability
    Describes interoperability services provided by the common language runtime. Also provides links to information about incorporating COM components into your .NET Framework application.

  • .NET Remoting
    Discusses establishing communication between objects that run in different processes.

  • Network Programming
    Shows how to use Internet access classes to implement both Web-based applications and Internet-based applications.

  • Reflection
    Explains how to get access to type information at run time by using reflection.

  • Reliability
    Describes the use of reliability-oriented attributes such as HPA and ReliabilityContract, and discusses best practices for writing reliable code.

  • Serialization
    Discusses XML serialization.

  • Managed Threading
    Explains the runtime support for threading and how to program using various synchronization techniques.

  • Writing Serviced Components
    Describes how to configure and register serviced components for access to COM+ services.
