ScriptManager.Render(HtmlTextWriter) Method


Renders the ScriptManager control's content to the browser by using the specified HtmlTextWriter object.

protected public:
 override void Render(System::Web::UI::HtmlTextWriter ^ writer);
protected internal override void Render (System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer);
override this.Render : System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter -> unit
Protected Friend Overrides Sub Render (writer As HtmlTextWriter)



An object that receives the content of the control to write to the page.


This method is used by control developers to extend the ScriptManager control.

Notes to Inheritors

When overriding this method, call the base Render(HtmlTextWriter) method so that the client script that defines the Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager class is rendered on the page.

Applies to

See also