SecurityTokenProvider.GetToken(TimeSpan) Method


Gets a security token.

 System::IdentityModel::Tokens::SecurityToken ^ GetToken(TimeSpan timeout);
public System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityToken GetToken (TimeSpan timeout);
member this.GetToken : TimeSpan -> System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityToken
Public Function GetToken (timeout As TimeSpan) As SecurityToken



A TimeSpan that specifies the timeout value for the message that gets the security token.


The SecurityToken that represents the security token to get.


The GetToken method is called by the ClientCredentials class when a client sends a SOAP message and a security token is required.

The GetToken method calls the GetTokenCore method.

In most cases the timeout parameter is not used by derived classes of SecurityTokenProvider such as UserNameSecurityTokenProvider. However, sometimes retrieving a security token involves distributed messaging. An example is IssuedSecurityTokenProvider used in a federated service. In these cases the timeout parameter is used to avoid exceptions caused by network failures, message loss, and other error conditions.

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