ITextView Methods

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The ITextView type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Close Closes the text view host and its view.
Public method DisplayTextLineContainingBufferPosition(SnapshotPoint, Double, ViewRelativePosition) Formats and displays the contents of the text buffer so that the ITextViewLine containing the buffer position is displayed at the desired position.
Public method DisplayTextLineContainingBufferPosition(SnapshotPoint, Double, ViewRelativePosition, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<Double>) Formats and displays the contents of the text buffer so that the ITextViewLine containing the specified buffer position is displayed at the desired position.
Public method GetTextElementSpan Gets the SnapshotSpan of text that constitutes a text element (a single visual representation) at the given SnapshotPoint.
Public method GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition Gets the ITextViewLine that contains the specified text buffer position.
Public method QueueSpaceReservationStackRefresh Requests a refresh of the space reservation stack.


See Also


ITextView Interface

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor Namespace