UITest Methods


Namespace:   Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Common
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Common (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Common.dll)


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod Append(IEnumerable<UITestAction>)

Appends the provided list of test actions to this UI test.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Append(IEnumerable<UITestAction>, UIMap)

Appends the test actions and objects from the provided UI map to this UI test.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Append(UITest, Int64, Int64)

Appends the test actions from the provided UI test into this UI test at the provided range.

System_CAPS_pubmethod BindWithCurrentValues()

Binds the parameters that are used in this UI test that have currently loaded values.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static CompareEnvironments(UITestEnvironment, UITestEnvironment)

Compares the two given UITestEnvironment objects and returns a collection of mismatches.

System_CAPS_pubmethod CompareStoredEnvironmentWithCurrentEnvironment()

Compares the recorder configuration, if it exists, with the system environment that was captured at startup, and returns a collection of mismatches.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Create(Stream)

Creates a UI test by using the provided stream.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Create(String)

Creates a UI test by using the specified file.

System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateAndAddParameter(UIObject, String, String)

Parameterizes an action and creates the parameter by using the provided UI test object, property name, and parameter name.

System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateAndAddParameter(UITestAction, String)

Parameterizes an action and creates the parameter by using the provided test action and parameter name.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Equals(Object)

(Overrides Object.Equals(Object).)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Equals(UITest)

Determines whether the provided UI test object is equal to this UI test object.

System_CAPS_protmethod Finalize()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetActionList(UITestActionListSection)

Gets the UI test action list that corresponds to a given UI test action section.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetHashCode()

(Overrides Object.GetHashCode().)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetType()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_protmethod MemberwiseClone()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Save(Stream)

Saves this UI test to a stream.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Save(String)

Saves this UI test to a file.

System_CAPS_pubmethod SetAndBindParameterValues(DataRow)

Binds the parameters that are used in this UI test to the values in a data row.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToString()

(Inherited from Object.)

See Also

UITest Class
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Common Namespace

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