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INavigateToItemDisplay2 Interface

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Adds an optional preview behavior for INavigateToItemDisplay implementations.  Implementing INavigateToItemDisplay2 marks the display item as one that supports previewing.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.NavigateTo.Interfaces
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.NavigateTo.Interfaces (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.NavigateTo.Interfaces.dll)


Public Interface INavigateToItemDisplay2 _
    Inherits INavigateToItemDisplay
public interface INavigateToItemDisplay2 : INavigateToItemDisplay
public interface class INavigateToItemDisplay2 : INavigateToItemDisplay
type INavigateToItemDisplay2 =  
        interface INavigateToItemDisplay 
public interface INavigateToItemDisplay2 extends INavigateToItemDisplay

The INavigateToItemDisplay2 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AdditionalInformation Gets additional information that should be displayed for the item. (Inherited from INavigateToItemDisplay.)
Public property Description Gets a detailed description to be displayed about the item. This frequently includes the kind, scope, and location of the item, and a preview of the item. (Inherited from INavigateToItemDisplay.)
Public property DescriptionItems Gets the collection of description items. (Inherited from INavigateToItemDisplay.)
Public property Glyph Gets the symbol icon. (Inherited from INavigateToItemDisplay.)
Public property Name Gets the name of the item. (Inherited from INavigateToItemDisplay.)



  Name Description
Public method GetProvisionalViewingStatus Determines the provisional viewing status of the item.
Public method NavigateTo Navigates to the file, line, and column associated with the symbol. (Inherited from INavigateToItemDisplay.)
Public method PreviewItem Opens the item in preview mode, without focusing the item.  The caller is responsible for setting up a default preview state using NewDocumentStateScope, and the implementation of PreviewItem should only be concerned with opening the correct document.


See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.NavigateTo.Interfaces Namespace