
Generates a hash over the contents of the specified file.


HRESULT GetHashFromFile(
  LPCSTR szFilePath,
  unsigned int *piHashAlg, 
  BYTE *pbHash,    
  DWORD cchHash,    
  DWORD *pchHash


  • szFilePath [in]
    The name of the file to hash.
  • piHashAlg [in/out]
    The algorithm to use when generating the hash. Valid algorithms are those defined by the Win32 crypto APIs. If piHashAlg is set to 0, the default algorithm CALG_SHA1 is used.
  • pbHash [out]
    A byte array containing the generated hash.
  • cchHash [in]
    The maximum size of the buffer pointed to by pbHash.
  • pchHash [out]
    The actual number of bytes returned in pbHash.