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Module::RegisterCOMObject Method

Registers one or more COM objects so other applications can connect to them.

WRL_NOTHROW virtual HRESULT RegisterCOMObject(
   const wchar_t* serverName,
   IID* clsids,
   IClassFactory** factories,
   DWORD* cookies,
   unsigned int count


  • serverName
    Fully-qualified name of a server.

  • clsids
    An array of CLSIDs to register.

  • factories
    An array of IUnknown interfaces of the class objects whose availability is being published.

  • cookies
    When the operation completes, an array of pointers to values that identify the class objects that were registered. These values are later used revoke the registration.

  • count
    The number of CLSIDs to register.

Return Value

S_OK if successfu; otherwise, an HRESULT such as CO_E_OBJISREG that indicates the reason the operation failed.


The COM objects are registered with the CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER enumerator of the CLSCTX enumeration.

The type of connection to the registered objects is specified by a combination of the current comflag template parameter and the REGCLS_SUSPENDED enumerator of the REGCLS enumeration.


Header: module.h

Namespace: Microsoft::WRL

See Also


Module Class