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Designing and Viewing Classes and Types

Design, visualize, and refactor classes and other types in your code with Class Designer in Visual Studio. Use class diagrams to create and edit classes in your Visual C# .NET, Visual Basic .NET, or C++ project, understand your project structure better, or reorganize your code.

Here's more about what you can do with class diagrams:

  • Design: Edit your project's code by editing the class diagram. Add new elements and delete unwanted ones. Your changes are reflected in code.

  • Visualize: Understand your project's structure by viewing the classes in your project on a diagram. Customize your diagram so that you can focus on the project details that you care about the most. Save your diagram to use later for demonstration or documentation.

  • Refactor: Override methods, rename identifiers, refactor parameters, and implement interfaces and abstract classes.

In This Section

Working with Classes and Other Types (Class Designer)

Working with Class Diagrams (Class Designer)

Designing Classes and Types (Class Designer)

Viewing Types and Relationships (Class Designer)

Refactoring Classes and Types (Class Designer)

Working with Visual C++ Code (Class Designer)

Additional Information About Class Designer Errors

Writing Code in the Code and Text Editor