Windows CardSpace Functions

The topics in this section describe the functions that are provided by CardSpace.

In This Section

  • GetToken
    Gets a security token from the CardSpace system.
  • Encrypt
    Encrypts a data buffer using the key associated with the cryptography object.
  • Decrypt
    Decrypts a data buffer using the key associated with the cryptography object.
  • SignHash
    Pads and signs a buffer that contains a hash using Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS1).
  • VerifyHash
    Verifies a signature against a hash using Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS1) padding.
  • GetCryptoTransform
    Gets a symmetric cryptography transform based on the key referred to by a symmetric key handle.
  • GetKeyedHash
    Gets a keyed hash based on the key referred to by the specified symmetric key handle.
  • TransformBlock
    Transforms a block of data based on a symmetric cryptography algorithm.
  • TransformFinalBlock
    Transforms a final block of data based on a symmetric cryptography algorithm.
  • HashCore
    Hashes a block of data based on a symmetric cryptography algorithm.
  • HashFinal
    Hashes a block of data based on a symmetric cryptography algorithm.
  • FreeToken
    Frees the memory allocated to the security token.
  • GenerateDerivedKey
    Generates a derived key based on a symmetric key held by the CardSpace system.

See Also

Other Resources

Windows CardSpace Samples Overview

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