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Microsoft.Office.Workflow.Actions Namespace

Contains the workflow activities that are included withMicrosoft SharePoint Server 2010


  Class Description
Public class AppendTask Adds a workflow task to a specified user's task list.
Public class ApprovalTaskProcess Provides the base class for all Approval tasks used by the OfficeTask.
Public class BaseRequiredChildOfValidator Provides a CompositeActivityValidator that ensures that the object passed in (most commonly an Activity object) has a parent object.
Public class BaseRequiredDescendantOfValidator Provides the BaseRequiredDescendantOf class with a validator that can be used to check for and prevent invalid input values and also to prevent potential unhandled exceptions.
Public class BuildAssignmentsXmlActivity Builds an XML string containing a list of the variables representing workflow assignments from a specified workflow activity.
Public class BuildAssignmentsXmlActivityValidator Provides the BuildAssignmentsXmlActivityclass with a validator that can be used to check for and prevent invalid input values and also to prevent potential unhandled exceptions.
Public class ChangeRequestTask The ChangeRequestTask is a workflow task used to request a change to the document that the workflow is operating on before the task is complete. The behavior of this task is to send a request to a specified contact (the workflow owner or someone else) requesting the change. The task will be resumed once the change is completed.
Public class CheckExitConditions A sequential workflow activity that contains conditional logic. This activity must be a direct child of an OfficeTask activity or an activity that inherits from OfficeTask. OfficeTask
Public class CoerceDurationUnitActivity A workflow activity used to change a specified DurationUnit into another, specific data type.
Public class CollectFeedbackTaskProcess Serves as a container for the tasks used by the Collect Feedback workflow.
Public class DeclareRecordActivity Declares a given Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 list item as an official record for purposes of records management.
Public class DelegateTask A workflow task that allows a user to designate a delegate to perform the task, while the original assigned user still maintains final approval rights.
Public class DeleteDraftsActivity Deletes all previous, published versions of the specified SharePoint Foundation 2010 list item.
Public class DeletePreviousVersionsActivity Deletes all previous, published versions of a given list item.
Public class DocSetContentsTask A workflow task used to create and assign tasks to items contained in a document set, or folder
Public class DocSetSnapshotActivity Updates a given document set or folder with comments provided by the Comments property.
Public class EndTaskProcess Forcefully ends the task process, regardless of the completion status of existing tasks, in other words, tasks which may be incomplete.
Public class EscalateTask Effectively reassigns a workflow task to the task owner's manager.
Public class ForwardTask Creates a copy of the current task and assigns it to a specified user. Both copies of the task must be completed for the original task to be considered complete.
Public class GetUserProfileActivity Retrieves user profile information based on information in the host workflow.
Public class GetUserProfileActivityValidator Provides the GetUserProfileActivity class with a validator that can be used to check for and prevent invalid input values and also to prevent potential unhandled exceptions.
Public class InsertTask Inserts a new task immediately after the currently selected task. Allows the creation of a new task and the assignment of that task to a specified user.
Public class LookUpManagerOfActivity Looks up the workflow creator's manager from Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010.
Public class LookUpManagerOfActivityValidator Provides the LookUpManagerOfActivityValidator class with a validator that can be used to check for and prevent invalid input values and also to prevent potential unhandled exceptions.
Public class OfficeTask The OfficeTask class workflow activity is included with the installation of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010. It allows the customization of task centric workflows using SharePoint Designer that was not possible in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. The OfficeTask activity will not be available to users of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010.
Public class OfficeTaskChildValidator Provides the OfficeTask with a validator for ensuring that the decorated activity class is of the type OfficeTask.
Public class OfficeTaskDescendantValidator Provides the OfficeTask with a validator that can be used to check for and prevent invalid input values and also to prevent potential unhandled exceptions.
Public class OfficeTaskHelper Provides a collection of helper functions for use by the OfficeTask
Public class OfficeTaskValidator Provides the OfficeTask class with a validator that can be used to check for and prevent invalid input values and also to prevent potential unhandled exceptions.
Public class OnTaskAssigning An activity that is executed before a task is created and sent to a specified user.
Public class OnTaskAssigningDescendantValidator Provides the OnTaskAssigning class with a validator that can be used to check for and prevent invalid input values and also to prevent potential unhandled exceptions.
Public class OnTaskCompleted This workflow activity is executed after an OfficeTask task is completed. At completion, the workflow will have full access to the final property values of the task.
Public class OnTaskCompletedDescendantValidator Provides the OnTaskCompleted class with a validator that can be used to check for and prevent invalid input values and also to prevent potential unhandled exceptions.
Public class OnTaskDeleted A workflow task that executes when a task in an OfficeTask is deleted.
Public class OnTaskExpired Executes when a given task has passed its due date.
Public class OnTaskPending Executes when a task process has created a workflow task and is waiting for it to be completed.
Public class OnTaskProcessCanceled Performs cleanups or notification in the event that a user or workflow administrator uses the 'Cancel task process' modification. If the activity is absent, nothing is done at the end of the OfficeTask.
Public class OnTaskProcessCompleted Executes when the task process finishes.
Public class OnTaskProcessPending Executes when the running task process is set to a pending status, waiting for a response from an external event.
Public class OnTaskProcessStarted Executes when a task is first created, but before the task is assigned to users.
Public class ProfileHelperBase Base class for OrganizationProfileHelper and UserProfileHelper classes.
Public class ReassignTask Reassigns a workflow task to a specified user.
Public class RescindTask Marks the workflow task as cancelled.
Public class SendTaskEmail Provides a mechanism for sending dynamically generated e-mail notifications of workflow tasks, including mail headers in the e-mail messages that give information about the task.
Public class SetDocSetModerationStatusActivity Updates a document set or folder's moderation status.
Public class SetTaskField A workflow activity used to assign values to a specified field for a task item such as AssignedTo or DueDate.
Public class SetTaskProcessItemModerationStatus
Public class SR
Public class StageContainer
Public class SubmitDocSetActivity Submits a document set to a Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Records Center.
Public class UndeclareRecordActivity Removes the designation from a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 item indicating that it is an official record in a Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Record Center
Public class UserProfileHelper
Public class WaitForItemChanged Creates an external event subscription that allows the workflow to pause execution before it is completed, then wait for an item to be changed.
Public class WaitForItemDeleted A workflow activity that, when executed on a specified item will enter a paused state until that item is deleted.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration DurationUnit The units of measure that are applied to a duration in time.
Public enumeration OfficeTaskPermissionSet An enumeration used to specify the permissions set for tasks that are associated with this task.
Public enumeration OverdueRepeat Indicates the frequency with which OnTaskExpired should be run, if the task is past the expiration date and is not yet completed.
Public enumeration SR.Ids