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Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets Namespace


Classes that provide CIM cmdlet functionality.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass BinaryMiLogBase

Base class for classes that handle binary representations of Windows PowerShell objects for the purposes of exporting them to files and importing them from files.

System_CAPS_pubclass CimBaseCommand

This is the base command for all CIM cmdlets.

System_CAPS_pubclass CimCmdletsAssemblyInitializer

Initializes the CIM cmdlets. It provides a hook to the engine for startup initialization with respect to compiled assembly loading.

System_CAPS_pubclass CimIndicationEventArgs

Contains all elements related to a CIM indication.

System_CAPS_pubclass CimIndicationEventExceptionEventArgs

A class representing the CimIndication exception event arguments. It contains the exception.

System_CAPS_pubclass CimIndicationEventInstanceEventArgs

A class representing CimIndication event arguments, which contain all elements related to a CimIndication.

System_CAPS_pubclass CimIndicationWatcher

A public class used to start or stop the subscription to a specific indication source, and to listen to incoming indications.

System_CAPS_pubclass ExportBinaryMiLogCommand

Creates a binary encoded representation of an object or objects and stores it in a file.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetCimAssociatedInstanceCommand

The cmdlet retrieves instances connected to the given instance, which is called the source instance, via a given association. In an association each instance has a named role, and the same instance can participate in an association in different roles. Hence, the cmdlet takes SourceRole and AssociatorRole parameters, in addition to the Association parameter.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetCimClassCommand

A class which enables the user to enumerate the CIM classes under a specific namespace.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetCimInstanceCommand

Returns zero or more dynamic CIM instances with the properties specified in the Property parameter, the KeysOnly parameter, or the SELECT clause of the Query parameter.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetCimSessionCommand

This command returns zero or more CimSession objects that represent connections with remote computers established from the current Windows PowerShell session.

System_CAPS_pubclass ImportBinaryMiLogCommand

The class for a cmdlet that imports a binary MI log file and creates the corresponding objects in Windows PowerShell.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvokeCimMethodCommand

This cmdlet enables the user to invoke a static method on a CIM class using the arguments passed as name-value pairs.

System_CAPS_pubclass NewCimInstanceCommand

This cmdlet creates an instance of a CIM class based on the class definition.

System_CAPS_pubclass NewCimSessionCommand

This cmdlet enables the IT professional to create a CIM Session. A CimSession object is a client-side representation of the connection between the client and the server. The CimSession object returned by the cmdlet is used by all other CIM cmdlets.

System_CAPS_pubclass NewCimSessionOptionCommand

This cmdlet allows the IT professional to create a CimSessionOptions object that they can then use to create one or more CimSession connections. The cmdlet has two sets of parameters, one for WMMan options and one for DCOM options. Depending on the arguments, the cmdlet will return either an instance of DComSessionOptions or WSManSessionOptions, which derive from CimSessionOptions.

System_CAPS_pubclass RegisterCimIndicationCommand

Enables the user to subscribe to indications using a filter expression or a query expression.

System_CAPS_pubclass RemoveCimInstanceCommand

This cmdlet allows the user to remove a CimInstance.

System_CAPS_pubclass RemoveCimSessionCommand

This cmdlet allows the user to remove (terminate) one or more CIM sessions.

System_CAPS_pubclass SetCimInstanceCommand

Enables the user to set properties and keys on a specific CimInstance.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum AsyncResultType

Asynchronous result type.

System_CAPS_pubenum ProtocolType

Used by the PS-SessionOption cmdlet to describe different types of protocols.

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