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How to: Track Design Changes to a Table-Type DAO Recordset

Access Developer Reference

You may need to determine when the underlying TableDef object of a table-type Recordset was created, or the last time it was modified. The DateCreated and LastUpdated properties, respectively, give you this information. Both properties return the date stamp applied to the table by the machine on which the table resided at the time it was stamped. These properties are updated only when the table's design changes; they are not affected by changes to records in the table.

This example demonstrates the DateCreated and LastUpdated properties by adding a new Field to an existing TableDef and by creating a new TableDef. The DateOutput function is required for this procedure to run.

  Sub DateCreatedX()

Dim dbsNorthwind As Database Dim tdfEmployees As TableDef Dim tdfNewTable As TableDef

Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb")

With dbsNorthwind Set tdfEmployees = .TableDefs!Employees

  With tdfEmployees
     ' Print current information about the Employees 
     ' table.
     DateOutput "Current properties", tdfEmployees

     ' Create and append a field to the Employees table.
     .Fields.Append .CreateField("NewField", dbDate)

     ' Print new information about the Employees 
     ' table.
     DateOutput "After creating a new field", _

     ' Delete new Field because this is a demonstration.
     .Fields.Delete "NewField"
  End With

  ' Create and append a new TableDef object to the 
  ' Northwind database.
  Set tdfNewTable = .CreateTableDef("NewTableDef")
  With tdfNewTable
     .Fields.Append .CreateField("NewField", dbDate)
  End With
  .TableDefs.Append tdfNewTable

  ' Print information about the new TableDef object.
  DateOutput "After creating a new table", tdfNewTable

  ' Delete new TableDef object because this is a 
  ' demonstration.
  .TableDefs.Delete tdfNewTable.Name

End With

End Sub

Function DateOutput(strTemp As String, _ tdfTemp As TableDef)

' Print DateCreated and LastUpdated information about ' specified TableDef object. Debug.Print strTemp Debug.Print " TableDef: " & tdfTemp.Name Debug.Print " DateCreated = " & _ tdfTemp.DateCreated Debug.Print " LastUpdated = " & _ tdfTemp.LastUpdated Debug.Print

End Function