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How to: Modify a Query from a DAO Recordset

Access Developer Reference

You can use the Requery method on a dynaset-type or snapshot-type Recordset object when you want to run the underlying query again after changing a parameter. This is more convenient than opening a new Recordset, and it runs faster.

The following example creates a Recordset object and passes it to a function that uses the CopyQueryDef method to extract the equivalent SQL string. It then prompts the user to add an additional constraint clause to the query. The code uses the Requery method to run the modified query.

  Sub AddQuery()

Dim dbsNorthwind As DAO.Database Dim qdfSalesReps As DAO.QueryDef Dim rstSalesReps As DAO.Recordset

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Set dbsNorthwind = CurrentDb

Set qdfSalesReps = dbsNorthwind.CreateQueryDef("SalesRepQuery") qdfSalesReps.SQL = "SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Title = " & _ "'Sales Representative'"

Set rstSalesReps = qdfSalesReps.OpenRecordset()

'Call the function to add a constraint. AddQueryFilter rstSalesReps

'Return database to original. dbsNorthwind.QueryDefs.Delete "SalesRepQuery"

rstSalesReps.Close qdfSalesReps.Close dbsNorthwind.Close

Set rstSalesReps = Nothing Set qdfSalesReps = Nothing Set dbsNorthwind = Nothing

Exit Sub

ErrorHandler: MsgBox "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description End Sub

Sub AddQueryFilter(rstData As Recordset)

Dim qdfData As DAO.QueryDef Dim strNewFilter As String Dim strRightSQL As String

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Set qdfData = rstData.CopyQueryDef

'Try "LastName LIKE 'D*'". strNewFilter = InputBox("Enter new criteria")

strRightSQL = Right(qdfData.SQL, 1)

'Strip characters from the end of the query, 'as needed. Do While strRightSQL = " " Or strRightSQL = ";" Or _ strRightSQL = vbCR Or strRightSQL = vbLF qdfData.SQL = Left(qdfData.SQL, Len(qdfData.SQL) - 1) strRightSQL = Right(qdfData.SQL, 1) Loop

qdfData.SQL = qdfData.SQL & " AND " & strNewFilter rstData.Requery qdfData 'Requery the Recordset. rstData.MoveLast 'Populate the Recordset.

'"Lastname LIKE 'D*'" should return 2 records. MsgBox "Number of records found: " & rstData.RecordCount & "."

qdfData.Close Set qdfData = Nothing

Exit Sub

ErrorHandler: MsgBox "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description End Sub

Bb243788.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
To use the Requery method, the Restartable property of the Recordset object must be set to True. The Restartable property is always set to True when the Recordset is created from a query other than a crosstab query against tables in an Access database. You cannot restart SQL pass-through queries. You may or may not be able to restart queries against linked tables in another database format. To determine whether a Recordset object can rerun its query, check the Restartable property.