BC31043: Arrays declared as structure members cannot be declared with an initial size

An array in a structure is declared with an initial size. You cannot initialize any structure element, and declaring an array size is one form of initialization.

Error ID: BC31043


The following example generates BC31043:

Structure DemoStruct
    Public demoArray(9) As Integer
End Structure

To correct this error

  1. Define the array in your structure as dynamic (no initial size).

  2. If you require a certain size of array, you can redimension a dynamic array with a ReDim Statement when your code is running. The following example illustrates this:

    Structure DemoStruct
        Public demoArray() As Integer
    End Structure
    Sub UseStruct()
        Dim struct As DemoStruct
        ReDim struct.demoArray(9)
        Struct.demoArray(2) = 777
    End Sub

See also