PrincipalPermission.Union(IPermission) Method


Creates a permission that is the union of the current permission and the specified permission.

 virtual System::Security::IPermission ^ Union(System::Security::IPermission ^ other);
public System.Security.IPermission Union (System.Security.IPermission other);
abstract member Union : System.Security.IPermission -> System.Security.IPermission
override this.Union : System.Security.IPermission -> System.Security.IPermission
Public Function Union (other As IPermission) As IPermission



A permission to combine with the current permission. It must be of the same type as the current permission.


A new permission that represents the union of the current permission and the specified permission.



The other parameter is an object that is not of the same type as the current permission.


Union creates a permission representing the criteria of a given set of individual PrincipalPermission objects. It is useful for compactly representing a set of conditions to test. For example, with the declarations

PrincipalPermission^ ppBob = gcnew PrincipalPermission("Bob", "Administrator");
PrincipalPermission^ ppLouise = gcnew PrincipalPermission("Louise", "Administrator");
PrincipalPermission ppBob = new PrincipalPermission("Bob", "Administrator");
PrincipalPermission ppLouise = new PrincipalPermission("Louise", "Administrator");
Dim ppBob As New PrincipalPermission("Bob", "Administrator")
Dim ppLouise As New PrincipalPermission("Louise", "Administrator")

(ppBob.Union(ppLouise)).Demand() will succeed if the current principal represents Bob in the role of Administrator or Louise in the role of Administrator.

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