WorkflowDesignerMessageFilter.OnMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs) Method


Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of an object.

 virtual bool OnMouseEnter(System::Windows::Forms::MouseEventArgs ^ eventArgs);
protected virtual bool OnMouseEnter (System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs eventArgs);
abstract member OnMouseEnter : System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs -> bool
override this.OnMouseEnter : System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs -> bool
Protected Overridable Function OnMouseEnter (eventArgs As MouseEventArgs) As Boolean



A MouseEventArgs that contains information about the event.


true if the message is handled; otherwise, false.


The following code example shows how to override the OnMouseDown method to return false so that other components in the designer architecture can process the method.

This code example is part of the Basic Designer Hosting SDK Sample from the DesignerShell.cs file. For more information, see Basic Designer Hosting.

protected override bool OnMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs eventArgs)
    //Allow other components to process this event by not returning true.
    mouseDown = false;
    return false;
Protected Overrides Function OnMouseEnter(ByVal eventArgs As MouseEventArgs) As Boolean
    ' Allow other components to process this event by not returning true.
    mouseDown = False
    Return False
End Function


OnMouseEnter occurs when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of an object.

Applies to

See also